06 August 2006

*last days in vesterboro*

our last night in vesterbro began at riccos, where we sat outside & had our last coffee/hot chocolate as official locals. my "varm chocolade" was made like this: a reeses peanut butter cup-shaped piece of chocolate with a skewer poked in it was plunked into a glass of steamed milk. you stir yourself. i loved it. conceptually a dreamy way to make hot chocolate, for one who likes to control the degree of chocolatiness.

it was VERY hard to leave signe & thomas' place. just a lovely apartment in a perfect location. but we left, and now reside in østerbro, or as ulrik calls it, østerbronx. it's a great apartment -- very spacious, but removed from the city. fortunately, malena from the studio (she makes the beautiful ceramics, mette makes the jewelry) loaned me her old bike. here's our new place:

note the color coded bookshelf. nice touch.
we've had a few more great bike rides, and come upon such things as this ginormous yacht, owned by a microsoft fellow & used in a 007 movie (i may have written about it before, but that was when i saw it from afar. this time i touched it.):

for the last few days, i've been working at a different studio: helbak-scherning. mette took some photos of me working on her jewelry:

today we are headed to målmo, sweden, so we will have more adventures to write about tonight...


Blogger Zarah Maria said...

OMG this is so funny! I just found your blog through Lille Hus and I love your pictures of a city I absolutely adore and am priviliged to live in! Keep up the good work!:-)

3:53 PM  

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